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5 Most Common Cosmetic Dentistry Services

Posted by Sunset Oak Dental on Jul 18 2023, 12:18 AM

5 Most Common Cosmetic Dentistry Services

If you have ever dreamed of having a dazzling smile that lights up the room, then this article is for you. Cosmetic dentistry has come a long way in providing various treatments and procedures to enhance the appearance of your teeth and give you the confidence to show off your pearly whites. Get ready to say goodbye to dull and uneven teeth because it's time for a smile makeover like never before! 

  • Teeth Whitening

Are your teeth looking a little lackluster? Teeth whitening might just be the solution for you! This popular cosmetic dentistry service is designed to brighten and lighten the color of your teeth, giving you a brighter and more youthful smile. Teeth whitening treatments can effectively remove stains caused by factors such as coffee, tea, tobacco, or aging. We offer home bleach trays for teeth whitening. Understanding the significance of a bright and confident smile, we offer this remarkable solution to enhance our patients' dental aesthetics in the comfort of their own homes. Our team of highly skilled professionals meticulously designs custom-made bleach trays using state-of-the-art technology and materials, ensuring a perfect fit for each patient's mouth structure. These trays are not only practical but also safe and comfortable to wear, allowing individuals to effortlessly achieve whiter teeth with minimal effort. With clear instructions provided by our experienced dentist, patients can easily administer the treatment at their convenience while enjoying professional-grade results comparable to in-office procedures. 

  • Dental Veneers 

Dental Veneers are one of the most popular cosmetic dentistry services available today. They can transform your smile and give you the confidence to show off your pearly whites. Veneers are thin, custom-made shells that are bonded to the front surface of your teeth to improve their appearance. One of the main benefits of dental veneers is that they can fix a variety of dental issues. Whether you have chips, cracks, stains, or gaps between your teeth, veneers can provide a natural-looking solution. They can also help with misaligned or unevenly shaped teeth. 

The process of getting dental veneers typically involves two visits to Sunset Oak Dental. During the first visit, Dr. Felahy will prepare your teeth by removing a small amount of enamel to make room for the veneers. Then, impressions will be taken and sent to a dental lab where your custom veneers will be made. Once ready, during the second visit, the dentist will bond the veneers onto your teeth using a special adhesive. The result is an instantly improved smile that looks and feels like natural teeth. 

With proper care and maintenance, including regular brushing and flossing along with routine dental check-ups, dental veneers can last for many years. 

  • Dental Implants 

Are you missing one or more teeth? Dental implants could be the solution for you. This cosmetic dentistry service involves surgically placing an artificial tooth root into your jawbone, which then fuses with the bone over time. 

One of the main advantages of dental implants is their durability. Unlike other options, such as dentures or bridges, dental implants are designed to last a lifetime with proper care. They provide a stable and natural-looking replacement for missing teeth, allowing you to smile confidently again. Another benefit of dental implants is that they help prevent bone loss in your jaw. When a tooth is lost, the surrounding bone can deteriorate over time. Implants stimulate the bone tissue and promote its growth, maintaining both your oral health and facial structure. 

The procedure itself may take several months since it requires multiple steps and healing periods between them. However, many patients find that the results are well worth the wait.  

  • Clear Aligners 

Our dentist is proud to offer Clear Aligners, a revolutionary orthodontic treatment that provides patients with a discreet and effective way to straighten their teeth. With its advanced technology, our dental professionals can design customized clear aligner trays specifically tailored to each patient's unique dental needs. These virtually invisible trays are made of high-quality transparent material, ensuring that they blend seamlessly into the natural appearance of your teeth. Unlike traditional metal braces, these clear aligners are removable and comfortable to wear, allowing you to maintain proper oral hygiene without any hassle. Throughout the treatment process, our dedicated team will monitor your progress closely and make necessary adjustments as needed. Whether you have crowded teeth, gaps between teeth, or even bite issues such as overbite or underbite - clear Aligners can help you achieve the confident smile that you've always desired in an efficient and convenient manner.

  • Dentures 

Dentures, also known as false teeth, are removable oral appliances that replace missing teeth and their surrounding tissues. They are a common solution for individuals who have lost multiple or all of their natural teeth due to various reasons such as tooth decay, gum disease, or injury.
One of the main advantages of dentures is that they restore the ability to eat and speak properly. With dentures in place, individuals can enjoy a wider variety of foods without difficulty chewing and can communicate clearly without any speech impediments caused by missing teeth. Moreover, dentures help maintain facial structure by supporting the lips and cheeks. When several teeth are missing, it can result in a sunken appearance or sagging skin around the mouth area. Dentures provide support to these areas and improve overall facial aesthetics. 

There are different types of dentures available depending on individual needs and preferences. Conventional full dentures replace an entire arch (upper or lower), while partial dentures fill gaps between existing natural teeth. Implant-supported dentures offer increased stability by attaching directly to dental implants surgically placed in the jawbone. 
Regular maintenance is crucial to ensure the longevity and proper functionality of dentures. Proper cleaning habits, along with regular check-ups with Dr. Felahy, will help keep your denture fitting well and functioning optimally. 


In today's world, cosmetic dentistry has become a popular choice for individuals seeking to improve their smiles and boost their confidence. With advancements in technology and techniques, there are now various options available to address different dental concerns. 

Whether you're looking to enhance your smile for an upcoming event or simply want to feel more confident in everyday life, cosmetic dentistry services have come a long way in providing innovative solutions tailored to each patient's needs. So why wait? Take that step towards achieving the smile of your dreams today with Sunset Oak Dental! 

At Sunset Oak Dental, Dr. Volki Felahy provides quality dental care in a comfortable dental environment. To learn more, call our office at 916-435-5111 or visit us at 2161 Sunset Blvd #300, Rocklin, CA 95765.  

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2161 Sunset Blvd, Suite 300
Rocklin, CA, 95765

Sunset Oak Dental

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Tel: (916) 435-5111

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